
[Guide] Unlocking Bootloader officially with the code of Huawei

 Seeing that Huawei is already starting to spread the codes, I created two scripts very intuitive to unlock the Bootloader Officially:

The first is called "Unlock-Bootloader.bat" and is used to unlock the bootloader with the code you gave Huawei. The same script asks you to enter the code at some point.

The second is called "Check-Status.bat" and is used to check the status of the bootloader (if it's locked or unlocked) and can be used before and after of the unlock to check that everything went well.


Official-Unlock-Bootloader-by-Alkalinorap-v4.zip - Solidfiles

I haven't put README or instructions because scripts are integrated fully intuitive and interactive and at all times it will tell you what to do.

NOTE: First of all, you must have installed the drivers for the phone, here you can download: http://www.solidfile...m/d/7318df4f59/

NOTE 2: If you have the bootloader unlocked with an unofficial method, for example with unlockbootloader.exe, or any other unofficial method, WE MUST RETURN TO CLOSE IT BEFORE THE OFFICIAL UNLOCK. To do this, you must install an UPDATE.APP (any of ICS) and then we can officially unlock.

NOTE 3: Is possible that the antivirus will detect it as a virus because scripts are in .bat format. If this happens, you must disable the antivirus temporarily until finish to make the whole process, I guarantee you that there is no virus.

Enjoy it.